10 of the most expensive movies ever made

Movies may be magic, but ask anyone in Hollywood and they’ll tell you: That magic doesn’t come free. In fact, that magic often costs a pretty penny. The average major Hollywood

10 iconic abandoned movie sets

Would you believe Stanley Kubrick’s “Full Metal Jacket,” mostly set on the battlefields of Vietnam, was actually shot on the grounds of an abandoned coal factory north of London? Or that the

Vintage Inspired Wedding in Hawaii

The Juliet cap veil worn by the bride in this glorious wedding photo shoot makes a statement of originality and elegance. We also love the dark teal colours featured throughout. What to Look

Vintage Bohemian Polo Wedding

A polo game and a wedding cake made with layers upon layers – these two aspects will influence many a couple toward this fun and unique theme. This photo shoot is in Hawaii as

Sweet Southern Wedding

Softness and femininity spell a sweet Southern wedding. We also love the fine touches and details, like the Southern antique plate holding the bride’s rings, the bouquet resting on a stack of