Confettilicious Wedding
The colors of confetti are fun and can fit into any theme or color scheme. Confetti is versatile and usable in so many ways. It doesn’t matter what type of venue you have. Whether you are getting married in Southampton or tying the knot on an island in the Carribean, this wedding theme fits! See how to weave the hues of confetti into your wedding!
Color Palettes for a Confettilicious Wedding
Probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a confetti themed wedding is a massive amount of color and you’d be correct. The color palette for confetti is basically any bright and vibrant hue that you like – it’s truly a hit in the face of color.
However, it’s important not to go overboard and to use a plain background like white and let those white spaces shine through. The reason confetti works as a wedding theme is because it’s light and dainty, meaning that it can be spaced out so that the different colors don’t all attack your senses at once.
Details for a Confettilicious Wedding
Confetti as a detail has long been a staple of weddings all over the world, with the throwing of it over the couple as they leave the wedding. In terms of translating it into elegant, refined, but also fun details, you might have to think more in terms of shape and block colors.
Think about circular bright graphics on the table dressing, boxes of confetti as wedding favors or even making your own candles so that there are brightly colored specks of wax throughout the taper, giving the illusion of confetti within the candle itself. It’s little elements like this that are going to tie the Confettilicious Wedding theme together.
Wedding Invitations for a Confettilicious Wedding
Normally, wedding invitations are pretty plain, white and dull. Yes, they might have some beautiful brushwork or calligraphy on them, but mostly if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.
With such a fun theme like having a Confettilicious Wedding, you can really inject some playfulness into the wedding invitation design and give your wedding guests an exciting first glimpse of the fun, charming theme that you’re using for your wedding inspirations. Much like the wedding details, you can go with bright, circular graphics around the edge, or even include colorful confetti in the invite itself, ready to rain down on the guest when the envelope is opened.
Food for a Confettilicious Wedding
Although food might not be the first thought when we’re talking about a Confettilicious Wedding, it’s a great opportunity to really run with the theme and surprise your guests. You could have a donut wall with confetti style sprinkles, a multi-colored ice cream bar, or your wedding cake as a pinata cake, with colorful candy spilling out once you cut into it – there are loads of options to choose from.
The key here is to keep it fun and light, after all, it’s less about it looking like confetti and more about the feeling of enjoyment, surprise and delight that you get from throwing confetti around with your friends and loved ones.
Wedding Photo Shoot Ideas for a Confettilicious Wedding
When it comes to thinking about ideas for a Confettilicious Wedding photo shoot there is one word that absolutely stands out and that is fun. The obvious and on-the-nose thought for your Confettilicious Wedding photo shoot is to get a ton of colorful confetti and maybe a wind machine and go wild with it.
Another idea for a close up shot of your and your new spouse’s hands could be to plunge them into a bowl of colorful M&Ms to show that colorful aspect of your Confettilicious Wedding theme as well as show off those shiny new rings of yours.
Portrait Props for a Confettilicious Wedding
There are tons of colorful and lightweight props that you and your guests can use as portrait props and have a whale of a time posing the evening away. Our personal favorite for this kind of theme, especially for group portrait shots is to get a pinata and properly go at it. It’ll bring out some really natural looking laughs and smiles that portrait shots often lack.
You can also use colored smoke flares for more of a subtle, light touch prop that will keep the weightlessness of confetti but keep some of the elegance and refinement you might want for some of your wedding shots.
Ceremony Decor for a Confettilicious Wedding
For your ceremony decor, you want to inject some color and some fun into your big day without it looking over the top or like a novelty theme. A good way to inject color in a subtle way is to use different colored flowers around the edge of the aisle to give a bit of a nod to the Confettilicious Wedding theme.
Another option is to drape colored streamers along the back of your guest’s chairs and around the entrance to your chosen wedding venue. You might not want to use actual confetti during the ceremony as it might take away from the throwing of it as you leave your wedding venue.
Wedding Reception Music and Entertainment for a Confettilicious Wedding
With such a fun theme as Confettilicious Wedding, you know that your choice of wedding reception music and entertainment is going to be just as upbeat and infectious. Whether you choose to go with a cover band, DJ, or a good old fashioned pre-made playlist, make sure there are some wedding reception favorites to get everyone on their feet and dancing.
In terms of entertainment, anything color related would be a fun choice. Make your own ice cream and donut topping bars are the perfect excuse to have multi-colored sprinkles at your wedding reception and making them is great for adults and children alike.
Favors & Gifts for a Confettilicious Wedding
For your wedding favors for your friends and family, the easy avenue to go down is to take a regular hangover kit wedding favor and inject some much needed color into it. Instead of breath mints maybe use multi-colored tic-tacs and package it in brightly colored boxes or pouches.
For the gifts for your bridal party, you can maybe give out candles with multi-colored wax running through them that warps and appears to move as it melts, much like confetti. You could also get them tassel inspired jewelry in vibrant colors that are also reminiscent of the fun and brightness of confetti.
Outdoor Wedding Ideas for a Confettilicious Wedding
Although a lot of the ideas so far for this Confettilicious Wedding have been aimed toward an indoor wedding, you can absolutely switch it up and have this kind of fun and colorful wedding outdoors. Using a backyard feel, rooftop or courtyard is a great option because it’s a relatively plain base to build up from.
These kinds of wedding venues also have the benefit of, by and large, not having a ton of grass that confetti and confetti-like things can get stuck in. This obviously goes for indoor Confettilicious Weddings as well, but is even more important for outdoor Confettilicious Wedding – try and buy eco-friendly, biodegradable confetti for your wedding!

Nothing says ‘let’s celebrate’ quite like confetti and incorporating confetti into your wedding is a fun and festive way to go. One of my favorite confetti trends is called ‘the confetti blow.’ Actually, I’m not sure if that’s the technical term or not, but that’s what I call it! Basically, your photographer takes a picture of you (or you and your hubby) blowing confetti at the camera (glitter works well too). It makes for a memorable shot that will have you smiling for years to come.

Love this fun confetti wedding? You’ll probably also like: vintage rainbow wedding and over the rainbow.
Credits: photo credits: confetti bag, pink drink with paper straw, polka dot cake, rings, red shoes, bunting and confetti card, girl blowing confetti.